6-Russian cheese and wine every day! EASY Italian Podcast + SUB [Espresso e Beshbarmak]
Link utili / useful links / полезные ссылки :
- Telegram channel : https://t.me/basilicoitaliano
- Website with all the transcripts : https://www.italianyourjourney.com/articoli/
Domande per voi:
- Voi mangiate il pesce col formaggio?
- Conoscete la teoria degli umori?
- Quali sono i tabù collegati al cibo nella vostra cultura?
- Qual è abbinamento di cibo vi disgusta o non vi piace?
Hi! We are Gianluca and Chiara, two Italians who travel the world and we
both teach Italian to foreigners.
This is the sixth episode of the 'Espresso and Beshaparmak' podcast. It
is content for those who learn Italian and want to listen to something that is not too difficult but at the same time interesting. In this episode we talk about Chiara's experience with Russian cheese and the habit of drinking wine at the table.